Saturday, January 29, 2022

Мы живые (Айн Рэнд)

Мы живые
Что такое Скорочтение? (promo)

Заметки из книги:

"Любой бог - какой бы смысл ни вкладывался в это слово - это воплощение того, что человек считает выше себя. А если человек ставит выдумку выше самого себя, значит, он очень низкого мнения о себе и своей жизни."

"Это был детский сад партии - пионеры."

"Она удивлялась ..., почему слова "Но он ведь умрет" значили так мало для них, а слова "Но он не государственный служащий" значили так мало для нее и почему это так трудно было обьяснить."

"Раньше это был Санкт-Петербург; война сделала его Петроградом; революция сделала его Ленинградом"

"- Это что, правосудие или какой-то фарс? - спросил Лео.
Председательствующий торжественно ответил:
- Так называемое беспристрастное правосудие - буржуазный пережиток. Наше правосудие - классовое. В этом наша сила!"

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

References of "The Neural Basis of Reading" by Chapters

How to read fast (promo)

Chapter I "Neural Constraints on a Functional Architecture for Word Recognition"

"Caramazza, A. & Hillis, AE (1990). Spatial representation of words in the brain implied by    studies of a unilateral neglect patient. Nature, 346, 267–269."

"Cohen, L., Dehaene, S., Naccache, L., Lehericy, S., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Henaff, M., &    Michel, F. (2000). The visual word form area: Spatial and temporal characterization of    an initial stage of reading in normal subjects and posterior split-brain patients. Brain,    123, 291–307."

"Cohen, L., Jobert, A., Le Bihan, D., & Dehaene, S. (2004). Distinct unimodal and multi-    modal regions for word processing in the left temporal cortex. Neuroimage, 23,    1256–1270."

"Coltheart, M., Rastle, K., Perry, C., Langdon, R., & Ziegler, J. C. (2001). DRC: A dual  route cascaded model of visual word recognition and reading aloud. Psychological    Review, 108, 204–256."

"Cornelissen, P., Tarkiainen, A., Helenius, P., & Salmelin, R. (2003). Cortical effects of     shifting letter position in letter strings of varying length. Journal of Cognitive    Neuroscience, 15, 731–746."

"Dehaene, S., Le Clec’H, G., Poline, J.B., Le Bihan, D., & Cohen, L. (2002). The visual    word form area: A prelexical representation of visual words in the fusiform gyrus.    NeuroReport, 13, 321–325."

"Ferrand, L. & Grainger, J. (1992). Phonology and orthography in visual word recognition:    Evidence from masked nonword priming. Quarterly Journal of Experimental    Psychology, 45A, 353–372."

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"Fiez, J.A., & Petersen, S.E. (1998). Neuroimaging studies of word reading. Proceedings of    the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 95, 914–921."

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"Grainger, J. & Whitney, C. (2004). Does the huamn mind raed wrods as a wlohe? Trends in    Cognitive Sciences, 8, 58–59"

"Harm, M. W., & Seidenberg, M. S. (1999). Phonology, reading acquisition, and dyslexia:    Insights from connectionist models. Psychological Review, 106, 491–528"

"Humphreys, G. W., Evett, L. J., & Quinlan, P. T. (1990). Orthographic processing in visual    word recognition. Cognitive Psychology, 22, 517–560."

"Jacobs, A.M., Rey, A., Ziegler, J.C., & Grainger, J. (1998). MROM-p: An interactive     activation, multiple read-out model of orthographic and phonological processes in    visual word recognition. In J. Grainger & A.M. Jacobs (Eds.), Localist Connectionist    Approaches to Human Cognition. Hillsdale, NJ.: Erlbaum"

"Kouider, S., & Dupoux, E. (2001). A functional disconnection between spoken and visual    word recognition: evidence from unconscious priming. Cognition, 82, B35–B49."

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"Pammer, K., Hansen, P.C., Kringelbach, M.L., Holliday, I., Barnes, G., Hillebrand, A.,    Singh, K.D., & Cornelissen, P.L. (2004). Visual word recognition: the first half second.    NeuroImage, 22, 1819–1825."

"Perea, M. & Lupker, S. J. (2004). Can CANISO activate CASINO? Transposed-letter    similarity effects with nonadjacent letter positions. Journal of Memory and    Language, 51, 231–246."

"Peressotti, F. & Grainger, J. (1999). The role of letter identity and letter position in orthographic priming. Perception & Psychophysics, 61, 691–706"

"Pugh, K.R., Shaywitz, B.A., Shaywitz, S.E., Constable, R.T., Skudlarski, P., Fulbright,    R.K., Bronen, R.A., Shankweiler, D.P., Katz, L., Fletcher, J.M., & Gore, J.C. (1996).    Cerebral organization of component processes in reading. Brain, 119, 1221-1238."

"Schiller, N. O. (2004). The onset effect in word naming. Journal of Memory and Language,    50, 477–490."

"Schoonbaert, S. & Grainger, J. (2004). Letter position coding in printed word perception:    Effects of repeated and transposed letters.Language and Cognitive Processes,19, 333–367."

"Seidenberg, M. S. & McClelland, J. L. (1989). A distributed, developmental model of word    recognition and naming. Psychological Review, 96, 523–568."

"Stevens, M. & Grainger, J. (2003). Letter visibility and the viewing position effect in visual    word recognition. Perception & Psychophysics, 65, 133–151."

"Tagamets, M.A., Novick, J.M., Chalmers, M.L., & Friedman, R.B. (2000). A parametric    approach to orthographic processing in the brain: An fMRI study. Journal of Cognitive    Neuroscience, 12, 281–297."

"Whitney, C. (2001). How the brain codes the order of letters in a printed word: The   SERIOL model and selective literature review. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 8,    221–243."

"Ziegler, J. C., Benraıs, A., & Besson, M. (1999). From print to meaning: An electrophysiological investigation of the role of phonology in accessing word meaning.    Psychophysiology, 36, 775–785."

Chapter 2 "Features Are Fundamental in Word Recognition"

"Allport, D. (1977). On knowing the meaning of words we are unable to report: The effects    of visual masking. In S. Dornic (Ed). Attention and performance VI, pp 505–533."

"Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Ans B., Carbonnel S., & Valdois S. (1998). A connectionist multiple-trace memory model    for polysyllabic word reading. Psychological Review, 105, 678–723."

"Cornelissen, P., & Hansen, P. (1998). Motion detection, letter position encoding, and single    word reading. Annals of Dyslexia, 48, 155–188."

"Cornelissen, P., Hansen, P., Gilchrist, I., Cormack, F., Essex, C., & Frankish, C. (1998a).    Coherent motion detection and letter position encoding. Vision Research, 38, 2181–    2191."

"Cornelissen, P., Hansen, P., Hutton, J., Evangelinou, V., & Stein, J. (1998b). Magnocellular    visual function and children’s single word reading. Vision Research, 38, 471–482."

"Davis, C., & Bowers, J (2006). Contrasting five different theories of letter position coding:    Evidence from orthographic similarity effects. Journal of Experimental Psychology—   Human Perception and Performance, 32, 535–557."

"Davis, C., & Bowers, J. (2004). What do letter migration errors reveal about letter position coding in visual word recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology; Human    Perception and Performance, 30, 923–941."

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"Kevan, A., & Pammer, K. (2008b) Making the link between dorsal stream sensitivity and    reading. Neuroreport, 19, 467–470."

"Pammer, K., Lavis, R., Cooper, C., Hansen, P., & Cornelissen, P. (2005). Symbol string     sensitivity and adult performance in lexical decision. Brain and Language, 94, 278–296."

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"Prado, C., Dubois, M., & Valdois, S. (2007). The eye movements of dyslexic children    during reading and visual search: Impact of the visual attention span. Vision Research,    47, 2521–2530."

"Wheeler, D. (1970). Processes in word recognition. Cognitive Psychology, 1, 59–85."

Chapter 3 "Semantic Asymmetries Must Originate in a Visual Asymmetry"

"Abernathy, M., & Coney, J. (1996). Semantic category priming in the left hemisphere.    Neuropsychologia, 34, 339–350."

"Andrews, S. (1997). The effect of orthographic similarity on lexical retrieval: Resolving    neighborhood conflicts. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 4, 439–461."

"Bentin, S., Kutas, M., & Hillyard, S.A. (1993). Electrophysiological evidence for task     effects on semantic priming in auditory word processing. Psychophysiology, 30"

"Bouma, H. (1973). Visual interference in the parafoveal recognition of initial and final     letters of words. Vision Research, 13, 767–782."

"Burgess, C., & Simpson, G. B. (1988). Cerebral hemispheric mechanisms in the retrieval of    ambiguous word meanings. Brain and Language, 33, 86–103."

"Chiarello, C. (1985). Hemisphere dynamics in lexical access: automatic and controlled    priming. Brain and Language, 46, 146–172."

"Chiarello, C., Burgess, C., Richards, L., & Pollock, A. (1990). Semantic and associative    priming in the cerebral hemispheres: some words do, some words don’t ... sometimes,    some places. Brain and Language, 38, 75–104."

"Cohen, L., Dehaene, S., Naccache, L., Lehericy, S., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Henaff, M.A.,   & Michel, F. (2000). The visual word form area: Spatial and temporal characterization    of an initial stage of reading in normal subjects and posterior split-brain patients. Brain,    291–307."

"Cohen, L., Martinaud, O., Lemer, C., Lehericy, S., Samson, Y., Obadia, M., Slachevsky,    A., & Dehaene, S. (2003). Visual word recognition in the left and right hemispheres:    anatomical and functional correlates of peripheral alexias. Cerebral Cortex, 13, 1313–1333."

"Debruille, J. B. (1998). Knowledge inhibition and N400: a study with words that look like   common words. Brain and Language, 62, 202–220."

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"Ellis, A. W., Young, A.W., & Anderson, C. (1988). Modes of word recognition in the left    and right cerebral hemispheres. Brain and Language, 35, 254–273."

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"Faust, M., & Lavidor, M. (2003). Semantically convergent and semantically divergent    priming in the cerebral hemispheres: lexical decision and semantic judgment. Cognitive    Brain Research, 17, 585–597."

"Federmeier, K., & Kutas, M. (1999). A rose by any other name: long-term memory    structure and semantic processing. Journal of Memory and Language, 41, 465–495"

"Grainger, J., & Whitney, C. (2004). Does the huamn mnid raed wrods as a wlohe? Trends in    Cognitive Sciences, 8, 58–59."

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"Lavidor, M., & Ellis, A. (2002b). Word length and orthographic neighborhood size effects    in the left and right cerebral hemispheres. Brain and Language, 80, 45–62."

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Chapter 4 "The Functional Neuroanatomy of Reading"

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Chapter 5 "Neural Coding of Written Words in the Visual Word Form Area"

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Chapter 7 "Functional Neuroanatomy of Reading in Japanese"

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Chapter 8 "Visual Word Recognition: The First 500 Milliseconds"

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Chapter 10 "Neural Correlates of the Cognitive Processes Underlying Reading"

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Chapter 10 "Mapping the Word Reading Circuitry in Skilled and Disabled Readers"

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Chapter 12 "The Reading Networks and Dyslexia"

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Колір магії (Terry Pratchett)

  Кращі нотатки з книги: “На дискосвіті тиждень, звісно, має вісім днів, а спектр світла поділяється на вісім кольорів. Вісімка тут - узагал...