Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Speed Reading: Ultimate guide to reading with speed.

Readlax: Online Speed Reading! (promo)

Best notes:

"It is commonly known that the average person reads from 125 to 250 words per minute"

"act of subvocalizing is going to dreadfully slow your reading speed down"

"One of the most effective methods to help you read faster and most importantly grasp the meaning of the content, is giving an overall look on your book before actually starting to read it. When you take the book, make sure you cover the table of contents, the review and also the chapter summaries. You need to make sure you also take in the title, the introduction and any subheadings. These are often the most important points that the author wants you to get from their texts."

"Don’t forget to also read the first sentence and the last of each paragraph"

"One of the most important things you absolutely need to acknowledge; is that both your mind and body should be relaxed while reading. Creating that balance and peace of mind are crucial for a good concentration and a better reading"

"The next key to speed reading is learning to see groups of words. For example, if you cross expressions such as “The UNITED STATES” or “The EIFFEL TOWER” you have seen them so many times before. You are then familiarized with these terms. Thus, your mind will recognize those expressions immediately"

"There are always limits to what we can memorize, but those limits expand magnificently when we try and organize the content through chunking it. You can use this method while taking in a friend’s or a colleague’s phone number"

"We all know that comprehension precedes memorization. No matter what field and what matter you are studying or retaining, comprehending the content is an essential means and a primary step forwards to storing it once and for all"

"Your brain is a muscle, in order to empower it, you need to treat it like any other muscle of your body, therefore, you will have to exercise it regularly"

"Did you know that one of the most effective ways to train and exercise your brain is through playing games and puzzles?"

"As a matter of fact, it has been proven that challenging your own brain and playing card games and puzzles will highly increase your brain capacities and incredibly stimulate your cells. Playing chess for example helps you think, focus and concentrate on the next moves to make. The same thing goes for mind games such as crumble, dominoes and backgammon"

7 Best Speed Reading Books (promo)

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