Thursday, February 2, 2023

Read Faster Remember More: An Unlimited Learning Book

Read Faster Remember More: An Unlimited Learning Book
Speed reading exercises (promo)

Best book notes:

"In the context of reading, fixation refers to the act of stopping one's eyes on a specific point while reading."

"It is the process of focusing on a particular word or group of words before moving on to the next. Fixation is an important aspect of reading as it allows the brain to process the information and understand the meaning of the text."

"Reading speed is the rate at which a person can read and comprehend written text. The average reading speed for an adult is around 200-300 words per minute"

"Reading is a powerful tool that can open up a world of knowledge and possibility."

"Working memory plays a vital role in our ability to concentrate and process information effectively, allowing us to make sense of the world around us. It also enables us to recall past experiences and apply them when making decisions or solving problems. Furthermore, working memory allows us to temporarily store new information so that we can use it when needed."

"Short-term memory is fleeting, typically lasting only up to 30 seconds unless rehearsed, repeated, or encoded in a way that helps recall."

"Implicit memory is a type of memory that does not require conscious effort or recollection. It is the ability to remember and use information without knowing how it was acquired. Implicit memory can be divided into two categories: procedural memories, which are related to motor skills, and priming effects"

"Long-term memory is a type of memory that stores information for an extended period. It is the ability to remember past events, facts, and experiences."

"Chunking is a technique used in speed reading to increase reading speed and comprehension. The method involves breaking down the text into small chunks or groups of words rather than reading word by word."

"When reading, the brain processes information in a visual manner. Without sub-vocalization, comprehension can be enhanced as the brain is able to process the information more directly."

"When reading, the brain has to process and understand the meaning of the text, as well as keep track of where the eyes are on the page. Using a pointer or finger guides the eyes through the text, reducing the need for the brain to keep track of eye movement. This allows the brain to focus more on processing and understanding the text, making reading less tiring and more efficient."

"Previewing material before reading can be a valuable tool for improving speed, comprehension, and retention."

"Distraction is one of the biggest obstacles to effective learning."

"Don't Multitask"

"The belief that humans can multitask is widespread, and it is often thought to be based on the idea that the brain is similar to a computer capable of multitasking32. However, this belief is not well-supported by scientific evidence. In fact, research has shown that the human brain is not well-suited for multitasking, and attempting to multitask can decrease productivity and increase the risk of errors."

"Speed reading is no different from other skills. It requires practice to maintain and improve upon what you can accomplish. When it comes to speed reading, practice is crucial. The more you practice, the better you will become at reading quickly and efficiently."

How to take smart notes summary (promo)

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