Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Remember Everything You Read: The Evelyn Wood 7-Day Speed Reading & Learning Program by Stanley D. Frank

Remember Everything You Read: The Evelyn Wood 7-Day Speed Reading & Learning Program
Best notes:

"John F. Kennedy, himself a very fast reader, brought teachers from Evelyn Wood into the White House to help increase the speed of top-level members of his staff."

"Jimmy Carter actually took the course himself—and reportedly achieved a 1,200-word-per-minute reading rate, with high comprehension."

Readlax is a new app for people who want to learn faster and more effectively. (promo)

"Wood program has helped more than two million people read faster, more efficiently, and with improved comprehension and retention."

"The average person (and that includes the average student) reads at a rate of about 250 words per minute. Yet that same “average” person has been estimated to think at an astounding rate of more than 50,000 words per minute!"

"we think much, much faster than we read"

"she discovered that Richard had been reading at more than 3,000 words per minute. Furthermore, a quiz on the book showed that he was reading with more than 90 percent comprehension."

"If the average student reads at 250 words per minute, it will take him nearly seven hours to read a two-hundred-page book (assuming that there are five hundred words to the page). But if that same student begins soaring along at the rate of 3,000 words per minute, he or she will be able to complete the same book in less than thirty-five minutes."

"I can guarantee that with serious practice, most students and parents can move up to 1,000 words per minute in only a few weeks."

"Clearly, the possibilities of reading and learning faster and more efficiently are enormous."

"Your “Hidden Voice” Everyone’s reading—except for those expert in the special Evelyn Wood learning skills—involves two dominant characteristics:
1. The reading is accompanied by a “hidden voice,” a tendency to pronounce the printed words silently or even to speak them in a barely audible murmur.
2. The reading is executed from left to right across the page, line by line, until the page is finished. Then, the student moves through subsequent pages using the same line-by-line approach."

"Subvocal linear reading is clearly an important part of your repertoire of reading skills. Becoming proficient in this slower-paced technique will increase your reading speed far beyond its present rate and is an essential first step in Mentally Soaring with visual-vertical reading."

"200–400 words per minute. In this speed range, you are reading rather inefficiently. There are periodic or frequent regressions, where you stop and look back over material you’ve already supposedly read. Your mind tends to wander, and your concentration is relatively poor."

"400–600 words per minute. At this plateau, your subvocal linear reading has become more efficient. You regress infrequently, if at all, and are most likely making good use of the simple underlining hand motion to pace yourself."

"600–900 words per minute. This is the highest possible speed for those using the subvocal linear approach. It does represent a significant level of achievement. At this level you do not regress; your concentration is high; and your underlining hand motions and horizontal, linear eye movements are operating at their top level of efficiency."

"About 900 words per minute is the absolute maximum speed a student can hope to reach by using the subvocal linear technique. In a sense, this speed represents a kind of “sound barrier” for speed reading."

"The fastest, most efficient reading or studying begins with a specific purpose. Conversely, trying to read or study without a goal in mind will make learning more difficult."

"The top learners ask their teachers questions about things they don’t understand. Besides"

"The Foundations of Layered Reading. Principle 1: You must learn to see and accept words and phrases out of their normal expectancy order. Principle 2: Accept visual, as opposed to auditory, reassurance as you read. Principle 3: You must learn to read vertically. Principle 4: Understand the gestalt of what you read."

"you’ll find that you use your peripheral vision more effectively: You’ll comprehend increasing numbers of words in that one- to one-and-a-half-inch-diameter circle on the page where your eyes focus. This ability to make better use of peripheral vision will further enhance your ability to move down the page in groups of words, rather than across the page, word by word."

"Without moving your eyes from the focal point, you’ll find that you can take in countless other images around you—and that’s part of what peripheral vision is all about."

"As you practice reading with your peripheral vision, you’ll find that you have a somewhat similar capacity. By allowing images to come in from all around your central line of vision, you can take in many words and phrases that are off center from your main focus on the page. And the more words you can grasp at a glance, the more quickly you’ll move through any text."

"Layering, or the Multiple Reading Process, involves five steps: 1. overview; 2. preview; 3. read; 4. postview; and 5. review."

"Overview: This procedure involves looking the entire book over quickly to determine its organization, structure and tone. The main goal is to understand the gestalt—the main thrust or big picture—of the book."

"Preview: Next, go through the reading assignment at the rate of about four seconds per page. During this phase the main goal is to absorb more detail and to begin to draft an outline"

"Also, use the preview to divide the chapter into logical segments—a task which should be relatively easy with non-fiction texts, which are usually organized rather clearly. Headings for subsections, items printed in boldface, and other highlighted material can help you identify the basic structure of the text."

"Read: The goal here is to see every word on every page, and to assimilate and record all the essential information you need for taking tests or writing research papers."

"Postview: With a nonfiction textbook, the postviewing should be done immediately after reading a chapter. On the other hand, fiction—or nonfiction with a single, strong narrative flow—may be postviewed as a whole."

"Review: At regular intervals, preferably about once a week, you should look over your recall patterns and refresh your memory of the material you’ve read and how it relates to other materials in the course."

"Our experts have discovered that there are five levels of comprehension, which correspond roughly to the five phases of the Multiple Reading Process: Comprehension Level 1: In the overview phase, the student recognizes only individual words and isolated concepts. Comprehension during this process is usually about 10–20 percent: that is, a student would be expected to answer correctly only about one to two questions out of every ten on the material. Comprehension Level 2: With a very fast preview—say about two seconds per page—the student can recognize many more facts, including some key phrases and thoughts. He typically picks up enough information to score 20–40 percent on a comprehension test. Comprehension Level 3: With a slower, more careful preview (approximately four seconds per page), the reader grasps meaningful patterns, main ideas and key themes. Comprehension now moves up to the 40–60 percent range. Comprehension Level 4: At a reading pace slightly faster than the level at which the student feels most comfortable, he becomes even more adept at recognizing meaningful patterns, main ideas and themes. Comprehension at this level should bring scores of 60–80 percent. Comprehension Level 5: Finally, reading at a fast but comfortable pace, the student takes in all the material needed to do well on a test or to satisfy other academic objectives. Comprehension should be 80 percent or higher. Furthermore, combining reading with rereading, post-viewing and reviewing helps the student tap his highest academic abilities."

"For the fastest reading speeds, you must observe the four basic principles of layered reading: -See and accept words and phrases out of their normal order. -Accept visual reassurance as you read. -Read vertically. -Understand the gestalt."

"Anna. As a junior in high school, Anna’s reading rate was 330 words per minute, and her level of comprehension was 65 percent. She had become frustrated with her performance at school, which ranged from B-minus to C-plus. So, on her own initiative, she enrolled in one of the Evelyn Wood courses. After only about one month of practice, her regular reading rate had risen to 1,440 words per minute, with a comprehension level of 85 percent."

"A number of observers have said that subvocal-linear reading is all “left-brain.” That is, this slower type of reading centers mostly on the logical, word-by-word progression of thought on the written page. Visual-vertical reading, in contrast, is said to pull the more intuitive right brain into the process."

"For example, Carol Romaniszak admits that her reading rate falls to 1,000–1,200 words per minute, with 80 percent comprehension, when she’s not “in training.” On the other hand, when she is in training, she works regularly at speeds of 2,000–3,000 words per minute with high levels of comprehension."

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