Friday, December 13, 2019

Speed Reading: How to Read Fast, Faster (Basil Foster)

Speed Reading: How to Read Fast, Faster (Accelerated Learning Book 1)
Best book notes and quotes:

"The optimal recognition point (ORP) is a point that is found near the center of the word. When your eyes locate the ORP, your brain starts processing the entire word and what it means within milliseconds. Your eyes keep following each word in the sentence until they come together to form a complete sentence."

How To Read 3x FASTER? (promo)

"Speed reading isn’t just about reading faster, it’s about being better able to comprehend the information and to retain it."

"There are also many other benefits associated with speed reading. They are as follows: Better Memory: If you train the brain it will grow stronger and perform better. It is very similar to a muscle. Speed reading challenges the brain to perform better. Improved Focus: Speed reading will help you to improve your ability to focus."

"When the brain is trained to read faster, it improves its ability to sort out information as well as find links between information that has been previously stored."

"Myth No. 1: Slow reading means better comprehension"

"Myth No.2: Speed readers just skip words"

"Myth No. 3: Traditional readers enjoy what they are reading more"

"Speed readers have a wider vision range than readers who don’t. This is because of their peripheral vision. You can enhance your vision range through certain eye exercises"

"A basic skill required by speed readers is the ability to pre-read information before actually reading it in its entirety."

"Pre-reading information enables you to better comprehend what you are reading."

"To skim effectively you will need to read the first few sentences of each paragraph."

"Read the entire last paragraph because it will provide a brief description of everything that was written in that chapter."

"The main aim of scanning is to search for a single or a few pieces of information in the text."

"Your main focus is to find the specific piece of information that you are looking for and ignore everything else."

"When you are familiar with the material that you are pre-reading it will help you to have a better understanding of the information that you are about to speed read."

"Your peripheral vision is your ability to look at objects other than the ones that you are directly focused on."

"Visual Series Rapid Presentation This exercise began as an experiment to increase attention span. However, it can also improve reading speed."

"You can also strengthen your eyes by using a method referred to as chunk reading. This is where you learn how to read groups of words together."

"Not only does chunking save time when reading; it also helps you to understand the text better because a group of words is easier to understand than one word."

"The peripheral vision exercise will enable you to see the words clearly on the periphery and train your eyes so that you can quickly move them from one side to the next."

"Sub-Vocalization This is basically the process of reading out loud, whether you actually vocalize whisper or read it in your mind."

"When children are taught to read, they are taught to read each word out loud. This is the easiest way of developing a child’s speech and word pronunciation."

"count from 1 to 100 when you are reading as a way of distracting your brain from reading out loud."

"it is a proven fact that reading each word out loud limits your ability to understand the text."

"You should always know the main purpose for why you are reading something."

"Factors That Affect Your Ability to Speed Read A positive attitude towards reading. You should want to improve your reading capability. A good vocabulary and familiarity with your subject’s terminology. A good basic understanding of the subject. If you are learning something new have a strategy in place to build your background knowledge. You will need to practice. Setting aside 30 minutes a day for 30 days to speed read will greatly enhance your comprehension, recall and the speed at which you read."

"Read books like a newspaper to get the main message."

"Don’t Read the Words, Read the Message (!!!)"

"When you talk about what you need to do, it helps you make your ideas clear in your mind and helps you remember them."

"In general, people forget 90% of what they read within 48 hours of reading the information."

"spending a couple of minutes reviewing your notes the following day, a week and a month later you will remember between 80 and 90% of the information!"

"You should review your notes after the following time periods: 1 day 1 week 1 month"

"Research has found that people remember more information and for a longer period of time when they read summaries as opposed to reading the entire book."

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