Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Micro Frontends in Action (Michael Geers)

Micro Frontends in Action Speed reader extension for Chrome (promo)

Best notes:

"Here are the three main reasons why companies adopt a micro frontends architecture:
- Optimize for feature development —A team includes all skills needed to develop a feature. No coordination between separate frontend and backend teams is required.
-  Make frontend upgrades easier—Each team owns its complete stack from frontend to database. Teams can decide to update or switch their frontend technology independently.
-  Increase customer focus—Every team ships their features directly to the customer.
No pure API teams or operation teams exist. "

"The most significant difference between micro frontends and other architectures is team structure. "

"Teams have end-to-end responsibility for a given functionality. They deliver the associated user interface as a micro frontend. A micro frontend can be a complete page or a fragment that other teams include."

"The micro frontends architecture is all about being able to work in small autonomous teams that have everything they need to create value for the customer.  "

"Reducing waiting time between teams is micro-frontends' primary goal. "

"With the micro frontends model, all people involved in creating a feature work in the same team. The amount of work that needs to be done is the same. But communication inside a team is much faster and less formal. Iteration is quicker—no waiting for other teams, no discussion about prioritization. "

"A micro frontend
- Is independently deployable
- Isolates the risk of failure to a smaller area
- Is narrower in scope and thereby easier to understand
-Has a smaller codebase that can help when you want to refactor or replace it
- Is more predictable because it does not share state with other systems "

"Autonomy is one of the critical benefits of microservices and also of micro frontends. "

"In larger groups, communication overhead increases, and decision making gets complicated. In practice, this means that the perfect team size is between 5 to 10 people. "

"Micro frontends are an architectural approach and not a specific technique. "

"Micro frontends remove the team barrier between frontend and backend developers by introducing cross-functional teams. "

"With the micro frontends approach, the application gets divided into multiple vertical slices that span from database to user interface "

"Each vertical system is smaller and more focused. It’s therefore easier to understand, test, and refactor than a monolith. "

"Nginx loads all SSI includes in parallel, but only starts sending data to the client when the last fragment arrives. "

"Integrating markup on the server usually leads to better page load performance because latency inside the datacenter is much shorter than to the client. "

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