Sunday, March 7, 2021

Proven Speed Reading Techniques: Read More Than 300 Pages in 1 Hour

Proven Speed Reading Techniques: Read More Than 300 Pages in 1 Hour. A Guide for Beginners on How to Read Faster With Comprehension (Includes Advanced Learning Exercises)
How To Speed Read (promo)

Notes from the book:

"The more you read, the more you know, and the more you can share with other people, empowering you in whatever setting you find yourself, work, friends, parties, or anything else."

"Jones set the record at 4,700 words per minute with a retention rate of 67 percent"

"you will remember a lot more after learning to speed read. It makes sense since your reading ability and comprehension is a function of how well you can remember what you read."

"Speed Reading Opens Up Career Opportunities"

"Speed Reading Increases Logic and Problem Solving Skills"

"When you train your brain to be able to take in information faster, other areas of your brain will also improve."

"the University of Utah study conducted by Leann Larsen, entitled Does Speed Reading Improve College Student’s Retention Level and Comprehension"

"John Macalister of the Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand concluded that speed reading does in fact increase student’s reading speeds, even when the text is authentic, or new to them."

"Speed Reading Makes Reading More Enjoyable Overall"

"Naturally, we enjoy doing things we are good at, and with improved reading skills, reading will transform from something we feel obligated to do into something we enjoy."

"Speed Reading Helps Eliminate Bad Habits"

"More Than That, Speed Reading Makes You a Better Reader"

"speed reading, in the form of the techniques included in this book, will give you tactics that you can use to make your reading more efficient."

"Speed reading will help you enjoy reading and make you better at it."

"Speed reading reveals the opportunity to learn new skills at a faster pace."

"10,000 words per minute reduces to 166 ⅓ words per second,"

"making the rate about a page or half a page per second."

"subvocalization is the voice you hear in your head while you read."

"If you are trying to increase your reading speed, then you need to keep track of what it is."

"The average reading speed of an adult is 300 words per minute."

"A typical third-grade student reads at a rate of 150 wpm (words per minute)."

"Your average college student will hit about 450 wpm."

"an average college professor reads at 675 wpm"

"Speed readers can reach limits of 1,500 wpm or more,"

"World speed reading champion, she reaches an astounding 4,700 wpm."

"Kump says that in order to make the information yours, you have to use it and apply it in some way."

"By selectively reading information that you deem most important and glossing over unnecessary things, skimming can be incredibly effective once we determine the information we wish to obtain from a given text."

"In reading anything, generally, we find the most important information in the introduction and the conclusion. Taking this strategy, reading those parts while skimming anything in between would best serve us in terms of information retained."

"subvocalization is the primary factor, by far, in slowing down our reading. It grinds our reading speed down to about 300 words per minute."

"Use your finger or a pencil to follow the words, listen to music or your favorite podcast, or chew gum while you read."

"Learn to Group Words While Reading"

"your eye spans about 1.5 inches, more than enough to read five words, maybe three or four if they are shorter."

"Steven Frank wrote a book called Speed Reading Secrets. I highly recommend the read, even though this book represents an updated and more extensive version of it."

"Rapid Serial Visual Presentation often gets used by apps that help with reading speed. By showing single words on the screen in front of you, this method removes the need for your eyes to move."

"Avoid Regression with Improved Focus"

"Before you start reading, set a goal and keep it in mind as you read. Doing so reminds you why you are reading and helps you look for words and phrases that will further your goal."

"‘translate’ the language of words to the language of the mind, which is visualization."

"At the end of each page in a book or the end of a few paragraphs in an article, pause and recall what you just read."

"Visualization can help with retention by constructing a broader perspective of the information and tuning into our visual nature."

"Focus on building the habit. Reading is a skill — and skills take time to develop, start at fifteen minutes a day."

"life is too short to finish a bad book"

"Start small and build big."

"Goodreads is basically social media for books."

"Goodreads is an excellent way to keep track of your reading, as a social media platform dedicated to books and reading."

"Skimming — getting the essence from reading material without reading all the words — boils down to knowing what parts to read and what parts to pass by."

"Before you start skimming, ask yourself what you want to get from the text. Think of two or three terms that describe what you want to know, and, as you skim, keep an eye out for those two or three terms."

"The first and last sentences in a paragraph are often the most important ones."

"When skimming, do not be afraid to take a few more seconds and re-skim what you just read to ensure comprehension."

"When children first learn to read, they whisper the words or say them softly. At the next level, they read silently but still move their lips as if saying each word. As adults, we say the words in our minds—it is called “subvocalization.”"

"read phrases not words."

"writing by hand stimulates ideas more effectively."

"Try using a 3-2-4 breathing technique, inhaling through your nose for three seconds, holding for two seconds, and exhaling for four seconds. This keeps your brain well-fueled and running at peak capacity."

"Ask questions while you read."

Readlax for Chrome: speed reading extension (promo)

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