Saturday, February 12, 2022

Speed Reading: Your Fast Track Ticket to Knowledge

Speed Reading: Your Fast Track Ticket to Knowledge
What Is Speed Reading? (promo)

Book Notes:

"Normal reading would take us around 200-300 words per minute"

"One of the major obstacles that people when trying to improve their reading quality and speed is an overuse of sub-vocalization."

"Sub-vocalization is the format of saying words into your mind as you read. It’s a major reason why people tend to read slowly and also a big reason why some people try to improve their reading speed but fail."

"the average reading and talking speed is around the same – anything from 150-250 words. When you sub-vocalize you are limited to only going at this speed."

"Regression is a behavioral act whereby when we read, we go back and re-read something again and again."

"Saccades are moments of extremely fast eye movement that occur as the eye begins to close in and fixate on a target, and then when it changes focus from one to the next."

"One of the most effective skills that you can use in helping yourself become more accustomed with speed reading is to learn how to make priorities in your reading."

"Another great tool for becoming a better speed reader is to learn about skinning, or skimming depending on where you live."

"Skimming takes place when we want to read extremely fast and means being sure we come out with the major – usually singular – detail needed."

"Probably the easiest way to skim, though, is to only read the first sentence of each paragraph. It provides you with a rough idea of what is to come, and works as the “topic sentence”."

"Scanning, though, is speed reading with one singular purpose and main aim – to find the information that tags along exactly with what you are looking for in the text."

"Speed Reading Software... 7Speed Reading... Ace Reader... EyeQ... SpeedReader X... "

"speed reading will make you read at around 1,000 words per minute"

"Another solid solution to making sure that you can start to get used to speed reading is to warm up before you start any serious speed reading. A bit of mental exercise before you begin will make a big difference, and ensure that you can get the style required."

"A good way to speed up in your overall learning process is to use an embedded dictionary. An embedded dictionary is a software kit that allows us to look at words via the dictionary."

"Remember that quality speed reading is about control, not speed."

"Your ability to scan multiple words at once means that your eyes will need to have wider focus, and will also mean that you have less focus on each individual word. Instead, you want to be taking in a block of words."

"Meditation can help you clear the mind, be more focused and make the above steps a little less necessary, presuming you can keep things relatively quiet moving forward!

Benefits of Reading: Why You Should Read Every Day (promo)

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